Wednesday, 28 September 2011

"Can you still be my friend?"

H hopes that we can continue to be close friends. In fact she said once that she has probably thought of me more as a friend than as a husband the whole time. She says that losing me as a friend would bring more grief to her than losing me as a husband. She can't understand why I find that difficult and although I have said I am not able to engage in that sort of relationship, she continues to want it to be that way.

A while ago I showed her the lyrics to Lobo's "Don't Expect Me To Be Your Friend" and later asked her to watch a YouTube clip from the movie "Starship Troopers" (from about 6:21 to 8:30). She replied "I don't understand how men can't be friends". At least Kate Miller-Heidke understands, so it's not just a male-female difference.

There is no confusion in my mind about the possibility of being friends; no thought that maybe it might work. I simply will not do it and think it is unreasonable for H to expect it. I am angry about her believing that a transition out of marriage into a friendship could be so easy.

H doesn't like how I use the word betrayed, but that is how I feel. Betrayed, defrauded, discarded and crushed. Even if she doesn't understand why I feel that way, I wish she could accept that this is really how I feel. I am not exaggerating or being overly melodramatic or figurative. If you can imagine being treated that way by a person you have given your all to, would you want to be that person's friend?

Do you guys have similar experiences? Anyone on the other side -- i.e. who want to be friends with an ex-wife but she doesn't?

— Nat

1 comment:

  1. I'd say she's trying to allay her guilt about the situation.

    She also has no right to dictate or judge how you feel about the situation. Again, that's her attempting minimisation to make herself feel better.

    Your emotions are perfectly valid.
