Sunday, 24 April 2016

Post script

I keep thinking about whether it is worth renewing the domain registration for this site, and then I notice that it is still being read -- I imagine by people in the midst of the same darkness I was in. If this site ever disappears, the archive will probably still be at anyway, but nevertheless I will keep it here for now.

I wish I could say to you that all will be OK and that you just need to be patient. But as my own journey continues I know that is neither comforting nor always true. Not being the father I hoped to be, understanding the depth of pain I caused H, a series of false starts as I try to find a new partner, feeling let down by God, missing the touch of a lover ... it all adds up to a continuing sense of doubt and incompleteness.

I have changed and resolved some things. No longer feel stuck. But my own path forward is unlikely to be the same as anyone else's so I won't project my resolutions into this blog. My best advice is to stay fit, eat well, sleep, embrace brokenness rather than run from it, and look up more often than you look down. If you want to chat privately I would be happy to listen and give you a virtual hug or two.

-- Nat.